Is puppy daycare good for dogs?

dog smiling at camera

There's a growing trend among dog owners to enroll their furry friends in daycare facilities. This concept, often dubbed as 'doggy day care', promises to provide your pup with a day full of socialisation, exercise and entertainment. 

This comprehensive guide will delve into the details, discuss the pros and cons, and provide an in-depth analysis on why dog daycare is indeed a good choice for your beloved pet.

Understanding daycare for dogs

Before we start dissecting the pros and cons, let's first understand what dog daycare is all about.

Doggy daycare is a facility designed to care for dogs during the day while their owners are away. These facilities usually have large play areas equipped for dogs and are supervised by trained, experienced staff.

However, it's important to note that all daycare centres are not created equal, and the quality of services can greatly vary from one centre to another.

What do dogs do in a daycare centre?

A dog daycare is a haven for your pets to engage in a plethora of activities that keep them active, happy and social.

The day begins with a heartwarming welcome from the staff members, who are all dog enthusiasts and trained to handle different breeds of dogs. Once settled in, the dogs are allowed to play, relax or sleep according to their individual preferences and needs.

There are specially designed play areas where dogs can socialise with each other and enjoy a variety of toys. It's like a playground filled with fun and frolic where they can run around, chase balls, interact with their fellow canine buddies and have a great time. In addition to playtime, they often spend time being given basic obedience skills training which will help them become well-mannered pets.

Moreover, these centres place high importance on the health and well being of your pooch. Regular exercise sessions are conducted to ensure they stay fit and active.

Some centres also offer grooming services to keep your dog looking its best. Nutritious meals are provided throughout the day that cater to the dietary needs of each dog.

Determining if your dog is suited for daycare

While daycare may sound like a fun idea for us humans, it's crucial to consider whether it's in your puppy's best interest. Just like humans, dogs have their own unique personalities, temperaments, and preferences. What may seem fun to one puppy could be extremely stressful or frightening to another.

To determine if your dog is suited to daycare, consider the following factors:

  1. Age: Young puppies are often more adaptable and might enjoy the interaction with other dogs in daycare. However, too much socialisation can be overwhelming for them.
  2. Personality: If your dog is highly sociable and enjoys the company of other dogs, daycare might be a good fit. However, if your dog prefers human company and is not too fond of other dogs, daycare might be stressful.
  3. Behaviour problems: Dogs that are defensive or possessive about their toys or food might not do well in a daycare environment.
  4. Health issues: If your dog has any health conditions that could affect their interaction with other dogs, such as arthritis, daycare might not be the best option.
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Is daycare suitable for any dog?

Deciding if daycare is right can be quite a conundrum for pet parents. However, most experts agree that dogs can benefit significantly from daycare at nearly any age, as long as they are well-socialised and comfortable in that environment.

Puppies as young as 12 weeks old, who have received their full series of puppy vaccinations, can start attending daycare. This can be beneficial for their socialisation, learning doggy manners, burning off energy and reducing separation anxiety.

For adult dogs, daycare can provide necessary stimulation, exercise, and social interaction. Older dogs can also benefit from dog daycare, provided they are in good health and not overwhelmed by more energetic dogs.

However, it's crucial to remember that each dog is unique, so it's best to consider your dog's personality, health status, and preferences when deciding if dog daycare is appropriate.

If you're unsure whether your dog is ready for daycare or not, consult with your veterinarian or a professional dog trainer.

Pros of dog daycare

A well-run daycare centre can indeed be beneficial for your puppy. Here are some of the advantages:

  • Mental stimulation and exercise: Daycare can provide your puppy with plenty of physical exercise and mental stimulation. This could help keep your puppy mentally sharp and physically fit.
  • Social skills: Daycare can expose your puppy to a variety of dogs, which can aid in socialisation. It allows them to learn how to behave around other dogs.
  • Alleviates boredom and destructive behaviour: Leaving your puppy alone at home for long periods can lead to boredom and destructive behaviours like chewing on furniture. Daycare can keep your pets occupied and reduce such behaviours.

Cons of dog daycare

While there are advantages, puppy daycare is not without its drawbacks:

  • Over-stimulation and stress: Too much activity can be overwhelming for dogs. The loud and busy atmosphere of daycare may lead to stress or anxiety. Read our blog dedicated to helping dog owners understand their hyperactive dog.
  • Risk of Injury and illness: In a daycare environment, there's a risk of your dog getting injured during play or catching an illness from other dogs.
  • Potential behavioural issues: Puppies may pick up undesirable behaviours from other dogs at daycare. These could include excessive barking, aggression, or fearfulness.

Evaluating a dog day care centre

Dog sleeping on a sofa

If you're considering dog daycare, it's important to carefully evaluate the facility. Here are some questions you might want to ask:

  1. Staff training: What kind of training does the staff have around dog behaviour, positive reinforcement training techniques and canine body language? Are they certified in canine CPR?
  2. Facility license and insurance: Does the daycare have a license to operate? What insurance do they have in place?
  3. Playgroup setup: How are playgroups set up? How many dogs are there in each group? Are dogs of different sizes and temperaments kept together?
  4. Rest time: Do they allow for downtime or rest periods for the dogs? Are there quiet areas where a dog can relax?
  5. Emergency procedure: What is their procedure in case of emergencies or if a dog gets injured?

Alternative to dog daycare

If daycare isn’t a good fit for your puppy, don't worry, there are other alternatives:

  • Pet sitters: A pet sitter can visit your home to feed your puppy, take them out for a walk, and spend some time playing with them.
  • Dog walkers: A professional dog walker can take your puppy out for walks during the day.
  • Family or friends: Trusted family members or friends can look after your puppy while you're away.
  • Home check-ins: If your workplace is nearby, you can check in on your puppy during lunch breaks.

Dog daycare & insurance

If you decide to opt for daycare, it's wise to consider dog insurance. Dog insurance can provide coverage for veterinary costs in case your puppy gets injured or falls ill. For a dog insurance quote for your furry friend, you can get a quote through our website. If you would like to talk to one of our dog insurance specialists, you can get in touch with us on 0330 102 5748.


Deciding whether dog daycare is good for your dog is a personal decision that should be based on your individual dog's temperament, health and preferences. While daycare can offer numerous benefits, it's not the right fit for every dog.

Consider your puppy's needs, ask the right questions, and research different daycare facilities thoroughly. Remember, your dog's happiness and well-being come first.