Looking to welcome a new pet this Christmas?

Looking to welcome a new pet this Christmas?

Bringing a new pet into your home is an incredibly exciting time, however there are many ways in which it can be stressful for your new pet, if not handled correctly. Whether you’ve chosen to buy or adopt, your pet will have their own unique personality and therefore challenges when it comes to settling them into their new home.

Here are our top tips when it comes to planning for a new pet:

1. Plan the details before your pet arrives

  • Have you considered how your pet will fit into your lifestyle? E.g. do you need to arrange a dog sitter, if so do they have space for your dog?
  • Do you need to restrict access to parts of your house? If so, make sure this has been done before your pet arrives
  • Do you have a carrier for your pet, or space/equipment in your car to transport them, for when you need to take them places?
  • Have you checked that you have a local veterinarian that has space for your new pet?
  • Have you prepared your home thoroughly – e.g. closed any exits from the house in the case of a new cat, or shut away any harmful substances your new puppy might sniff out
  • Remove any chewing or choking hazards (e.g. that expensive pair of shoes you just got!)

2. Make sure you have the right supplies for welcoming them into your home

  • A bed for them to sleep in and blankets if required – make sure you consider buying a bed for them to grow into if getting a kitten or puppy, unless you’re happy to upgrade at a later date
  • Collar and lead
  • Food and water bowls as well as supply of their food to keep you covered throughout the festive period
  • Toilet supplies – puppy pads, litter tray etc
  • Lots and lots of toys!

3. Think about how they will feel entering a new home

  • Give them attention and make sure they feel welcome, if they want it! This is especially true for most puppies and kittens, who will love to play with you. Try to plan to be at home for longer periods of time than normal while they settle in. Older cats may want less attention, so always ensure any attention given is on their own terms
  • Be patient with your new pet – it will take time for him/her to get used to their new surroundings. They may hide or be timid at first as they adjust to life with you, so take it slowly and let them go at their own pace
  • Think about noise levels – cats and dogs have much more sensitive hearing than us humans, which means brining lots of people or young children into the home can be loud and potentially scary. Make sure you have a designated room for them to relax in that’s away from any noise or people

And of course, last but not least, make sure you have the correct insurance cover in place for your pet. Does your policy cover everything you need? You can check our levels of cover for cats and dogs here.