Read our blogs and current news from around the world relating to cats and dogs!

A pet is for life, not just for Christmas

A pet is for life, not just for Christmas

29th November, 2022

“A dog is for life, not just for Christmas” is now a well-recognised saying, but did you know that it was first created by the Dogs Trust back in 1978, when the charity was known as the National Canine Defence League?....

Top Five Health Related Presents for your Pet

Top Five Health Related Presents for your Pet

29th November, 2022

There are thousands of pet presents that flood the market this time of year, from treats to toys and various expensive accessories. However, in the midst of a cost of living crisis, why not give your pet something even more valuable this year – a healthier lifestyle!....

New cancer treatment trialled in pet dogs

New cancer treatment trialled in pet dogs

22nd November, 2022

Pet dogs who are having surgery for sarcoma, a cancer of the bones and soft tissues, at a clinic in Australia are getting access to cutting-edge treatment as part of a world-first clinical trial. It’s hoped that the trial will pave the way for a new immunotherapy treatment for one of the most common canine cancers....

Charity identifies rare kitten of 'neither sex'

Charity identifies rare kitten of 'neither sex'

15th November, 2022

A young cat that recently came into the care of Cats Protection was found to be neither male nor female. Tabby-and-white kitten Hope was originally thought to be female but on closer inspection it was discovered they had no external sex organs at all....

A guide on how to bandage a dog's ear tip

A guide on how to bandage a dog's ear tip

15th November, 2022

If your dog recently injured its ear tip and you’re looking for ways to help it heal, you’re in the right place. This guide from Purely Pets tells you how to clean and monitor the injury properly, and how pet insurance cover may help cover costs of treatment....

small white dog sat in a suitcase with clothes around them

15 tips on how to enjoy travelling abroad with your dog

11th November, 2022

Travelling abroad with your dog needn’t be stressful*. Here are some quick tips to make sure your holiday goes as planned....

owner stroking cat

Understanding your cat's body language: A guide to interpreting feline behaviours

9th November, 2022

To those who aren’t accustomed to living with cats, this behaviour can seem quite unfriendly. Cats can be hard to read if you don’t know what to look for. This is where our body language guide comes in handy. Do you want to know how your cat is feeling? Learn how to tell when a feline is happy, angry, scared, or frustrated below....

Cats and dogs should be introduced gradually, researchers say

Cats and dogs should be introduced gradually, researchers say

8th November, 2022

Cats and dogs can form friendly relationships, but a lot depends on how they are introduced to begin with. In a study involving owners who introduced a new puppy to their existing cat, researchers at Dogs Trust and the University of Bristol found that the pups tended to play, become over-excited and chase their fellow furry housemate....

Top tips to prepare your puppy for their first winter

Top tips to prepare your puppy for their first winter

8th November, 2022

Got a new puppy? Purely Pets shares some winter hazards and shows you how to keep your playful pup safe this festive season....