Read our blogs and current news from around the world relating to cats and dogs!

A-Z of dog health problems - part 2

29th November, 2021

Every canine will suffer from ill health from time to time, but with specialist pet insurance in place, you don’t have to delay getting them the treatment they need....

What is pancytopenia in cats?

25th November, 2021

There has been a sudden increase in feline pancytopenia in recent months, prompting a recall of cat food. Hundreds of cats are believed to have died from the mysterious illness....

What is luxating patella in dogs?

24th November, 2021

Luxating patella is one of the most common orthopaedic conditions of dogs, diagnosed in more than one in 20 puppies. It is a condition which affects primarily small dogs, particularly breeds such as Boston and Yorkshire Terriers, Chihuahuas, Pomeranians, and Miniature Poodles....

Vet staff caring for dog

Keep household medicines away from prying paws, vets warn

23rd November, 2021

Vets have urged owners to keep cold and flu medication away from their pets this winter after a puppy needed emergency treatment after swallowing ibuprofen. Six-month-old Lilly the Labrador cross was saved with the help of vet charity PDSA and pet emergency service Vets Now after eating tablets that she had found on a bedside table....

Owner and dog online research

Kennel Club urges new owners to avoid virtual puppy buying

23rd November, 2021

Many people who bought a new puppy during the pandemic did so ‘virtually’, without seeing the pup before making a commitment. This isn’t ideal in terms of animal welfare, because it allows rogue traders and puppy farms to hide poor breeding conditions. But the Kennel Club has warned that ‘click and collect’ and ‘click and drop’ puppy buying are now seen as the norm......

Dog having his ear cleaned

Study reveals dog breeds most affected by ear infections

23rd November, 2021

One in every 14 dogs in the UK suffers from ear infection each year, according to new research from the Royal Veterinary College (RVC). Knowing more about the condition can help you spot the signs and ensure your dog gets prompt treatment when they need it. Ear infections (clinically known as ‘otitis externa’) occur when the lining of a dog’s ear becomes inflamed and thickened in either one......

Happy family dog

How is your pet coping with life after lockdown?

23rd November, 2021

The schools have gone back and many people have returned to the office after working from home. But for some pets, this change to the daily routines will be a big adjustment and may leave them feeling stressed or anxious. With life getting back to some sort of ‘normal’, the RSPCA is urging pet owners to think about how their furry friends are coping....

Petting the cat

Pets helped us feel less alone during lockdown, study shows

23rd November, 2021

Cat and dog owners feel that their pets had a positive effect on their wellbeing during the pandemic, researchers have found. In a study by the University of the West of Scotland and the Waltham Petcare Science Institute, around 85% of dog owners and 75% of cat owners said their pets had an extremely or moderately positive effect on their wellbeing....

Happy dog in the car

ADHD-like behaviour seen in some dogs

23rd November, 2021

Some dogs show behaviours that are similar to attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in humans, researchers say. A study involving more than 11,000 pet dogs carried out at the University of Helsinki demonstrated that a dog’s sex, age and breed, as well as any behavioural problems and certain environmental factors, are connected to hyperactive and impulsive behaviour and inattention....