Read our blogs and current news from around the world relating to cats and dogs!

What to do if your cat or dog has been poisoned?

What to do if your cat or dog has been poisoned?

23rd September, 2019

Do you share your home with a cat or dog? Perhaps you’re thinking of buying a pedigree puppy or kitten, or adopting a rescue cat or dog from the local shelter?...

How to help your dog if it suffers from anxiety

How to help your dog if it suffers from anxiety

23rd September, 2019

Here we’ll take a look at some of the common causes of anxiety in dogs, what to look out for, and how to help your four-legged friend overcome any stress....

Is it safe for cats to climb up high?

Is it safe for cats to climb up high?

19th September, 2019

Anybody’s who’s owned a cat knows that they have a habit of finding the highest part of the house: on top of the refrigerator or door are both quite common, whilst some pet owners will purchase a cat tree to indulge their pet’s fondness for heights....

How do I know if my dog has arthritis?

How do I know if my dog has arthritis?

19th September, 2019

Is your four-legged friend struggling to get down from the sofa? Perhaps they don’t run to greet you as you open the front door anymore? Your dog could be suffering from arthritis, which causes inflammation of the joints and limits their mobility....

Fewer pets are having vaccinations

Fewer pets are having vaccinations

11th September, 2019

Over 7 million pets in the UK are at risk of suffering and disease through lack of vaccination, according to the latest PDSA Animal Wellbeing (PAW) Report....

Why do cats like high places?

Why do cats like high places?

9th September, 2019

Are you being driven up the wall by your cat’s love for climbing your curtains? Puzzled about your pussycat’s perch on top of your wardrobe?...

7 ways to exercise your dog in the winter

7 ways to exercise your dog in the winter

9th September, 2019

As dog owners, we know it’s our responsibility to walk our pooches come rain or shine, but there are some days in winter when other forms of exercise come in handy....

No such thing as 'crazy cat lady', study finds

No such thing as 'crazy cat lady', study finds

4th September, 2019

Cat owners are no more ‘crazy’ than anyone else and there is no evidence to support the ‘crazy cat lady’ stereotype, researchers have found....

Why is petting a dog therapeutic?

Why is petting a dog therapeutic?

4th September, 2019

Tough week at work? Lying awake worrying at night? Stressed about upcoming exams? Then get a dog!...