Cat health & behaviour


Cat Flap

5 perfect pet gadgets you can’t live without

2nd March, 2022

Our pets are part of the family – we love them, feed them, play with them, and enjoy different experiences with them every day. Which is why we like to indulge them with little gifts from time to time!...

scottish fold

A-Z of cat health problems

24th February, 2022

Our A to Z of cat health problems features some of the most common ailments you might come up against. Having cat insurance in place will help you cover the cost of treatment....

grey cat yawning

Why does my cat have bad breath?

28th January, 2022

Snuggling up on the sofa with a feline friend is something we all look forward to. But sometimes even the most devoted of owners can be put off when their cat is suffering from bad breath. While you still love them, you should never ignore a nasty niff – it could be a warning sign of a serious health condition....

cat paw touching hand

How to train a cat

27th January, 2022

While we usually associate training with our four-legged canine friends, you can teach your cat a few tricks, too. That is, if you show some patience and follow the Purely Pets ‘How to’ guide for training a cat....

cat prints in snow

How to care for a cat in winter: Essential tips and advice

23rd December, 2021

Discover how to keep your cat warm and happy during the cold winter months. Learn essential tips for winter cat care to ensure a purr-fectly cosy season....

cat stepping out of a litter box

Common cat toilet problems

23rd December, 2021

Cats can develop digestive problems or issues going to the toilet. These problems can be painful and, in some cases, serious. That’s why it’s important to recognise the warning signs....

cat paw touching persons hand

How smart is your cat?

16th July, 2021

Read on to learn about why researchers think we could be underestimating our pets, and how yours could pick up a surprising number of skills with the right teaching....

Affectionate Cat

Pet cats may have become more affectionate during lockdown, researchers say

6th July, 2021

Cats have been a source of comfort and companionship for many of us over the past year, and it seems that our furry friends may have responded to the unusual circumstances by becoming more affectionate....

A cat coughing up a hairball

How to help a cat with hairballs

29th June, 2021

You want your cat to be a playful, cuddly ball of fun, so it can be upsetting to see your pet seemingly coughing and choking on a hairball. While the sound and sight of hairballs may be less than pleasant, the odd one is nothing to worry about....