Read our blogs and current news from around the world relating to cats and dogs!

Vets warn of disease risks in imported dogs

Vets warn of disease risks in imported dogs

13th September, 2022

Vets have warned members of the public to be aware of the serious disease risks from importing dogs from abroad, after a positive Brucella canis test in a rescue dog imported from Belarus. In the UK’s first confirmed dog-to-human transmission of the disease, the woman fostering the dog was hospitalised after coming into close contact with it....

Relaxed Pitbull

Call for repeal of 'ineffective' breed specific legislation

8th September, 2022

Vets and animal welfare groups are calling for an end to the ban on certain breeds of dog. Battersea, Blue Cross, Dogs Trust, the Kennel Club, the RSPCA, Scottish SPCA and the British Veterinary Association (BVA) say that breed specific legislation (BSL) “sentences dogs to death” simply because they look a certain way....

Happy dog and owner

Dogs cry with joy when reunited with their owners

8th September, 2022

Dogs sometimes produce tears when they are very happy, researchers have found. The study in Japan looked at the reactions of dogs who were reunited with their owners and with other people they knew....

a beagle holding a stick in its mouth

What to know about owning a beagle

8th September, 2022

If you and your household are looking for a fun, active dog who’ll get involved in all your adventures, be up for lots of exercise with you, and generally present an eager, playful face to the world, a Beagle should be high on your list....

Dog at window

Back to school time can trigger separation anxiety for our pets!

1st September, 2022

With the back-to-school period in full swing, Purely Pets is urging owners to ensure that getting their pets ready for the change in routine is on the to do list!...

Three-fold increase in puppy buying via social media

Three-fold increase in puppy buying via social media

30th August, 2022

Thousands of new owners every year are fooled by rogue dog breeders who hide behind the internet and puppy deliveries, the Kennel Club has warned. New research shows a three-fold increase in people buying puppies on social media in the past five years....

Woman holding ginger cat in the air

Should I get a male or female cat?

24th August, 2022

Planning to add a cat to your household? Congratulations! Cats make wonderful companions, and we suspect that you and your family are in for some happy, affectionate times ahead....

A fluffy dog running towards the camera

How to care for your dog’s coat

23rd August, 2022

Let’s take a look at the various dog coat types, and how to care for them. Along the way, we’ll look at grooming – how, and how often – as well as other key questions, such as what brush best suits each coat type....

Dog in pain

Animal Pain Awareness Month – How to recognise if your pet is in pain

23rd August, 2022

September is Animal Pain Awareness Month, however it’s not always easy to recognize if your pet is in pain. Often our pets suffer in silence because owners aren’t aware of all the signs that could indicate an underlying health issue – and unfortunately they can’t tell us themselves!...