Read our blogs and current news from around the world relating to cats and dogs!

Disabled dog

19th – 25th September is ‘Adopt a less adoptable pet week’ – but what can you do to support?

23rd August, 2022

We love all pets regardless of their age or what they look like. However, when it comes to adopting a pet that needs a loving home, we can often have a set criteria in mind, which some deserving cats and dogs fall outside of – whether that’s a certain age, breed or colour....

Foster Dog

The cost of living crisis - could you be a pet foster carer?

23rd August, 2022

As the cost of living crisis takes hold, pet rehoming centres across the UK are seeing a huge increase in demand for their services, causing many of them to be at capacity in terms of the number of pets they can look after....

Owner feeding dog

Keeping a dog costs £2,000 a year, says Battersea

19th August, 2022

The average cost of owning a dog in the UK is now around £2,000 a year, according to animal welfare charity Battersea. This estimate is based on the average costs of buying dog food and treats, poo bags, grooming, routine healthcare, dog insurance and pet sitting....

Pregnant dog laying on her side

How long is a dog pregnant?

19th August, 2022

Most dogs are pregnant for 63 days, but this can range between 56-72 days. Here’s the Purely Pets guide to spotting pregnancy in dogs and how you can help your pet through gestation, birth, and caring for puppies....

Top tips for camping with dogs

17th August, 2022

You love your dog. You love camping. Why not combine the two? With a bit of preparation, camping with dogs can definitely be done. Indeed, having your furry friend along can turn an enjoyable holiday under canvas into an unforgettable one....


Firefighters use pet oxygen mask to save cat's life

10th August, 2022

A specially designed pet oxygen mask has been used to help save a cat that was rescued from a house fire in London....

Raw meat diet

Bacteria warning over raw meat diet

10th August, 2022

If you feed your dog raw meat, it’s important to take precautions to help avoid the spread of drug-resistant bacteria....

a black dog on a field

How often you should worm a puppy & 19 other important health problems

4th August, 2022

Worms can enter your dog's system when your pet swallows a flea. They may do this while chewing at skin that has been irritated by flea bites – or simply from licking or grooming their fur. If the fleas that your dog ingests are themselves infected with tapeworms, there is a high chance that the dog may also become infected....

dog grooming

Keep your pet catwalk ready with our summer grooming tips!

26th July, 2022

Keeping your furry family groomed and well maintained is important any time of the year, but especially so in the summer months. There are a number of things to consider at this time of year, such as keeping your pet cool and keeping ticks and other pests at bay....