Read our blogs and current news from around the world relating to cats and dogs!

Curious dog

Do dogs have a sixth sense?

29th January, 2021

Any dog owner knows there is far more going on behind those adorable puppy dog eyes than just thinking about where the next biscuit is coming from! Dogs can sense a whole range of things that mere humans can’t. Whether it be our mood, an approaching storm, or just when we’re coming home, it’s obvious our pampered pooches are aware of more than we think....

cat being stroked

How to care for an old cat

29th January, 2021

Just making a couple of small adaptations in your home could make a big difference to your cat's quality of life in their sunset years. So check out our guide to caring for an older cat to make sure you’re doing all you can for your beloved puss....

A cat and dog brushing up against each other in a snowy garden

How to care for your pet in winter

29th January, 2021

Does your pet love it when the weather turns chilly or would they rather snuggle up with you on the sofa? Whatever their preference they’ll need to be well protected when they do venture outside. This handy guide will give you some top tips on caring for your cat or dog this winter and keep them safe and warm, whatever the weather....

A paws-itive(ly) great start to the year at Moneyfacts Consumer Awards 2021

28th January, 2021

Tails are wagging at Purely Pets HQ after a successful evening at last night’s Moneyfacts Consumer Awards....

Cat digging the garden

Why do cats dig in the garden?

28th January, 2021

It takes time and effort to keep your garden looking nice and finding your pet has dug up your flower beds can be a real downer. You probably know that cats dig in their litter boxes to hide their poop, but is that the only reason why they dig? Let’s look at why cats dig and consider some safe ways to deter them....

Neighbour feeding cat

How can I stop my neighbour feeding my cat?

28th January, 2021

What should you do if you suspect a neighbour is feeding your cat? As a pet owner, you have a responsibility to make sure your pet has the right diet. If a neighbour feeds your cat, you are no longer fully in control and the consequences could see you having to claim on your cat insurance for medication or treatment. Let’s look at how you can stop a neighbour from feeding your cat....

dog running

Top 17 bravest dogs in history

27th January, 2021

Throughout our long history together our two species have become dependent on each other for many things. While we have provided food and warmth, dogs have shown unquestionable loyalty, unconditional love and ever-lasting friendship. Here we honour their remarkable journeys and incredible feats of endurance, strength and derring-do....

Dog waiting at home

Best dog breeds to buy if you work all day

26th January, 2021

There’s nothing better than returning from a hard day at work, only to be greeted by your four-legged friend. That wagging tail. That unconditional love. There’s nothing better! That said, some dog breeds do much better than others when it comes to being left alone while you’re toiling away at the office all day....

Cat alone in the flat

The best cats to own if you live in a flat

26th January, 2021

Living in a flat is the purr-fect excuse to get a cat as they make great apartment pets. They’re cute and they’re cuddly, and (unlike a certain other popular hairy species) they’re low maintenance, non-smelly and won’t slobber all over your best outfit. That said, some cat breeds do much better than others when it comes to living in the confines of an apartment....