Read our blogs and current news from around the world relating to cats and dogs!

Lockdown dog walk

Dog walking during lockdown: what are the rules?

26th January, 2021

How many times a day are you allowed to walk your dog during lockdown? Can you meet up with friends and take your dogs out together? It’s hard to keep up with the lockdown rules, especially as they vary in the different nations....

Cat Eating

Has your cat put on weight during lockdown?

25th January, 2021

More than three million pet cats in the UK are overweight and the problem has got worse during the pandemic, Cats Protection has warned. In a survey of over 2,000 cat owners in December, more than a quarter (28%) said they had overfed their pet since the start of lockdown in March 2020....

Dog in the bed

Bed sharing with your dog may help you sleep better

25th January, 2021

Is your dog allowed on (or even in) your bed at night? If so, we have some good news: new research has found that co-sleeping with your dog is actually good for you. The study looked at how people share their beds and bedrooms with their dogs, as well as their impact on human sleep quality....

The wheel of a car stopped on the road

What to do if you hit a dog with your car

25th January, 2021

Knowing you’ve injured someone else’s faithful companion is a horrible thought that hopefully you’ll never have to experience. But just in case the worst should happen we’ve put together some straightforward advice on what you should do if you hit a dog with your car....

A vet inspecting a dog on a vet's table

What are the signs of heart disease in dogs?

22nd January, 2021

While they all have a personality of their own and they all make loyal companions, they can suffer from heart problems just as their human guardians do. Responsible owners need to be able to spot the signs of such health problems before it’s too late. Pet insurance can help cover the costs if treatment is needed....

A dog snarling and looking angry

How to calm down an angry dog

19th January, 2021

A dog’s ears are pinned back, their eyes are glaring at you, they might even be snarling and showing their teeth. The dog has got so angry you’re scared they could even bite you. What can you do?...

What do dogs see?

19th January, 2021

If you’re a curious canine fan then read on to find out everything you need to know about your dog’s eyes and common problems to look out for....

A woman and her dog sitting alone on a jetty looking out to sea

6 of the best dog breeds for single people

15th January, 2021

Whether you’re in need of some home security, or someone to greet you whenever you walk through the door, there’s a dog that’s just right for you. While we’d argue that pretty much any dog would make a great addition to single life, here are six breeds we think are worth a closer look!...

A dog and a kitten meeting nose to nose in a kitchen

Skin cancer in cats and dogs - what you need to know

11th January, 2021

In this article, we’ll cover the causes of skin cancer in both cats and dogs so you can guard against your cherished pooch or feline from developing the disease. We’ll also highlight some of the main symptoms to look out for and how it is diagnosed by a vet....