Dog health & behaviour

Dog sleeping on the sofa

A pain in the backside: Study examines anal sac disorders in dogs

6th May, 2021

Anal sac disorders are relatively common in dogs, and in most cases are simple to treat. The anal glands are a pair of small sacs that sit just inside a dog’s bottom and contain a strong-smelling liquid used for marking territory....

Dog in field

Treating fleas in dogs

6th May, 2021

Fleas are more commonly thought of as a Summer problem. The truth is that these pesky parasites are an issue all year round. This time of year can be particularly bad. Central heating is cranked up making flea pupae think its warm outside. They wriggle their way to the surface, hatch, jump on our pets and start feeding and breeding straight away....

Dog walking the sun

Knowing the first signs of heatstroke could save your dog's life

6th May, 2021

With temperatures starting to rise, owners are being urged to be aware of the early signs of heatstroke in their dogs. It comes after a new study found that more than half of dogs taken to veterinary clinics with severe heatstroke go on to die from the condition. However, the risks are much lower if cases are detected and managed earlier....

2 dogs on a walk

How to get your pet in shape

28th April, 2021

If you’re worried your dog or cat is putting on the pounds then read our guide to keeping your pet trim. It’s one of the best things you can do to ensure you have a long and healthy life together. It could even help you keep fit, too!...

A happy looking dog panting while out on a walk

17 tips on how to look after your dog's teeth

16th April, 2021

From regular teeth cleaning to giving them chews to scrape away excess plaque, there are plenty of things you can do to stop teeth problems developing. If you’re wondering how to get started, then read on. Our quick guide has some great tips to keep your dog’s teeth in sparkling condition....

A dog and cat running in a garden together

How to create a pet-friendly garden

14th April, 2021

As a nation, we really love our gardens and our perfect pets. But while a garden can be a wonderful, stimulating place for your dog or cat to explore, they can be full of hazards for the unwary....

dog and cat sitting

What diseases can humans get from dogs and cats?

1st April, 2021

Caring for our beloved pets is a great experience for all the family, but sometimes things can go wrong and a human becomes infected with an animal disease....

A woman sitting down outside putting a muzzle on a dog

How to train your dog to wear a muzzle

19th March, 2021

Dog muzzles get a mixed response from people, but they are really handy for dogs that might be a bit nervous or short-tempered when they’re out and about. Let's take a closer look at why your dog might need to wear a muzzle, how to find the right one for your pet, and how to help them get used to wearing one....

a dog chasing a ball

How long does it take to adopt a dog?

17th March, 2021

If you’re thinking of bringing a dog into your family, you might wonder how long the process takes. The answer might depend on your individual circumstances. Let’s look at the adoption process and what you should expect when you sign up for a dog....