Dog health & behaviour

A puppy looking up at its owner while on a lead walking

5 reasons people abandon dogs and puppies

8th March, 2021

Sadly, new research has revealed that many owners underestimate how much it will cost to care for a new dog and there are concerns about a possible rise in dogs being abandoned....

Couple Dog Walking

How to introduce your dog to your new partner

4th March, 2021

Meeting a new partner is exciting, especially when you get the feeling you might have met ‘the one’. But one of the first big tests your relationship will face is introducing them to the other love of your life – your dog....

Happy dog at the vets

Top tips for visiting the vet with your dog

4th March, 2021

Visiting the vet with your dog is a regular occurrence but can be a source of stress for many pet owners. Such trips aren’t just vital for annual check-ups and vaccinations but also if your pup has an accident or becomes ill. Unfortunately, many pets associate a trip to the vet with something unpleasant – whether pain, discomfort, or stress. To make sure your vet appointments go without a hitch, f...

Dog First Aid

Basic first aid for cats and dogs

4th March, 2021

Every year, hundreds of pets are involved in accidents. Our cats and dogs can end up facing a multitude of hazards, from wasp stings, heatstroke and poisoning to electrocution and road accidents....

Teenage Dog

Adolescent behaviour in dogs

25th February, 2021

Having a young pup is challenging but a huge amount of fun. Once they’re house trained, sleeping through the night and responding well to your commands, you could think it was time to relax. But think again!...

Couple with their dog

How to spot a fake dog advert

25th February, 2021

Bringing a new puppy into your home is an unforgettable experience for all dog lovers. However, it’s no surprise that with so many people looking for a four-legged companion, scammers and disreputable puppy farmers are looking to make easy money at everyone’s expense....

Assistance Dog

What are assistance dogs?

25th February, 2021

We never feel more humble than when we hear the amazing stories of assistance dogs and the help and care they provide to their human owners. While we know our four-legged friends are loving and loyal companions, they also make incredible aids for those with special needs and disabilities who need a helping paw....

Dog barking

Do you know what these dog barks mean?

9th February, 2021

Unless you’re Doctor Doolittle, you’ll often be confused by your dog’s barks. While it’s sometimes obvious (someone has rung the doorbell) other times our pooches seem to be woofing at nothing at all. However, just because we don’t speak the same language, doesn’t mean they don’t have a lot they want to tell us....

Curious dog

Do dogs have a sixth sense?

29th January, 2021

Any dog owner knows there is far more going on behind those adorable puppy dog eyes than just thinking about where the next biscuit is coming from! Dogs can sense a whole range of things that mere humans can’t. Whether it be our mood, an approaching storm, or just when we’re coming home, it’s obvious our pampered pooches are aware of more than we think....