Dog health & behaviour

A dog sleeping on its owner's bed while its owner works on her laptop

What do these dog sleeping positions mean?

18th August, 2020

A dogs sleeping position can be surprisingly illuminating as they get themselves into lots of different poses: stretched out, curled up, on their back or on their front. But what do all these sleeping positions mean? Let’s take a look at what they reveal about your canine companion....

A Jack Russel with a docked tail standing in a crop field with a harness on

What is tail docking?

17th July, 2020

The practice of removing or shortening a dog’s tail used to be commonplace, but it is now illegal in the UK, apart from a few limited exceptions. Why would you ever dock a dog’s tail, and what are the circumstances in which you can still do so under the law?...

An overhead view of a dog surrounded by toys on a living room floor

How to stop a dog from choking

17th July, 2020

Learning how to act in case of an emergency is one of the best things animal lovers can do to protect their pets, along with getting the right vaccinations and choosing suitable dog insurance....

A Labrador with a medical mask covering its face

Can my cat or dog catch Coronavirus?

16th July, 2020

As animal lovers ourselves, we’ve looked into the latest guidance on whether our beloved cats or dogs can catch this potentially deadly virus....

A woman hugging a fluffy dog in a field with trees in the distance

How to stop your dog from biting and mouthing

16th July, 2020

What started off as cute when the puppy was 7 weeks old is significantly more painful and likely to cause injury when the dog is fully grown. And as a pet parent, it’s up to you to teach them the difference between right and wrong....

A dog sitting nicely at a puppy training session

What happens at puppy training classes?

2nd July, 2020

Far too many dogs are abandoned each year because they haven’t been taught how to behave as puppies. Make sure your dog has the best start in life by taking him or her to puppy training classes and protect your pooch with dog insurance....

dog laying down with a hot water bottle

What is gastric upset?

22nd June, 2020

Tummy troubles in pets are one of the most common reasons owners contact a vet. The clinical signs of a gastric upset are vomiting, diarrhoea, constipation, abdominal pain, inappetence and lethargy. These symptoms can be present for a variety of reasons...

Dog looking at BBQ food

BBQ tips for pets

19th June, 2020

With the summer months nearly upon us our team of Registered Vet Nurses from the Purely Pets Vet Helpline offer these top tips for BBQ season....

A dog looking back in a long grassed field at sunset

How to find a lost dog

17th June, 2020

Every dog owner has the occasional heart-in-mouth moment when they can’t find their beloved pup. Usually, this is only a momentary panic and your dog will return straight away – but what should you do if it doesn’t come back?...