Dog health & behaviour

A dog laying on a wooden decking looking sad

What is dysplasia in dogs?

16th June, 2020

If your puppy is limping, stiff or seems less than its usual bouncy self, you’d be right to be concerned. These worrying signs might indicate a problem – and it could be hip or elbow dysplasia, in which a pup’s joints develop with abnormalities, leading to stiffness and pain....

dog sticking out its tongue

Shopping and leisure after lockdown: can you take your dog?

16th June, 2020

The coronavirus lockdown restrictions in England are gradually being lifted and high street shops, garden centres and zoos are now allowed to reopen. But dog welfare experts have advised owners to check before they travel as many destinations are no longer dog-friendly....

a pug wrapped in a pink blanket

Preventing separation anxiety when lockdown ends

26th May, 2020

With the UK spending months in lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic, many of us are working from home or furloughed and our pets have got used to having us around more. As a result, some might get anxious when they are left alone during the day — even for short periods of time....

Top tips for successfully breeding a dog

Top tips for successfully breeding a dog

16th April, 2020

Dog breeding is a joy, but also a huge responsibility. Getting it right means careful planning and preparation. Getting it wrong can be a heartache as well as costly, if pups have health problems or are returned to you by disappointed buyers....

The benefits of hydrotherapy for dogs

The benefits of hydrotherapy for dogs

15th April, 2020

Whether you want to ease an old dog’s arthritic pain or get him back on his feet after surgery, getting your pooch in the water may be just the thing he needs. Here’s a quick guide to just some of the benefits that hydrotherapy brings to our faithful friends....

How to cope with wasp or bee stings in dogs

How to cope with wasp or bee stings in dogs

15th April, 2020

In the vast majority of cases, a bee or wasp sting is no more than a nuisance for your dog. However, it is possible that a sting could cause a more severe injury that could even prove to be fatal. What should you do if your dog has been stung?...

Looking after your dog when social distancing or staying at home

Looking after your dog when social distancing or staying at home

24th March, 2020

To help reduce the spread of coronavirus, we’ve all been told to stay at home as much as possible. Under the latest measures, you should only leave your home to shop for basic necessities...

How to cope with a dog that’s afraid of water

How to cope with a dog that’s afraid of water

18th March, 2020

While many pooches love to splash around in water – whether it’s a bath, puddle, lake or the sea – there are also a lot of dogs that definitely prefer to keep dry!...

What are phantom pregnancies in dogs?

What are phantom pregnancies in dogs?

18th March, 2020

Phantom pregnancies are surprisingly common in unspayed dogs, fooling owners and their pets alike into thinking a litter of puppies is on its way. Depending on your perspective, that can be a delightful idea – or an alarming one!...