Dog health & behaviour

Do dog owners live longer?

Do dog owners live longer?

28th November, 2019

If you’re a dog owner, you know already that your pooch adds joy to your life in numerous ways. But did you realise that your loveable Labrador or playful Pug might actually be extending your lifespan?...

Road Safety Week

Road Safety Week

22nd November, 2019

In support of Road Safety Week, we’ve put together a list of some useful gadgets and outerwear that will help keep you safer on the roads in the winter months....

Why do dogs sniff?

Why do dogs sniff?

21st October, 2019

Admit it: this question must have crossed your mind at some point during your doggy ownership lifetime! Just why do dogs love a good sniff?...

How do I know if my dog has arthritis?

How do I know if my dog has arthritis?

19th September, 2019

Is your four-legged friend struggling to get down from the sofa? Perhaps they don’t run to greet you as you open the front door anymore? Your dog could be suffering from arthritis, which causes inflammation of the joints and limits their mobility....

7 ways to exercise your dog in the winter

7 ways to exercise your dog in the winter

9th September, 2019

As dog owners, we know it’s our responsibility to walk our pooches come rain or shine, but there are some days in winter when other forms of exercise come in handy....

Do dogs really contribute to your health and happiness?

Do dogs really contribute to your health and happiness?

21st August, 2019

If you’re a seasoned dog owner, you’ll understand just how much happiness a pooch can bring to your life. But if you’re new to pup ownership you might not understand just how many benefits there are to owning ‘man’s best friend’....

Why does my dog lick me so much?

Why does my dog lick me so much?

6th August, 2019

You arrive home after a long day at work, and your dog greets you with a big, wet sloppy kiss. But is it really a sign of affection?...

Why did dogs become domesticated and when did this begin?

Why did dogs become domesticated and when did this begin?

29th July, 2019

As our oldest animal companions, we’re still fascinated to find out how, why and when exactly dogs became our best friends. It’s hard to imagine how a Chihuahua or Yorkshire Terrier ended up curled at our feet when, at one point, they were mighty and fearsome predators....

Is it true that dogs are more affectionate than cats?

Is it true that dogs are more affectionate than cats?

24th July, 2019

The debate still ensues over which animals are more affectionate – canines or felines? Dogs and cats have been living with humans for thousands of years, and yet still, a whole host of factors can affect the way that they behave with us....